Robert and Alfie

My love of Robert Wyatt and Alfie Benge continues unabated. I do not abate! And I will not! New mugs available soon on the Raw Art site – based on drawings… please buy their book Side by Side if you are a fan. It shows how closely they work together, are inspired by each other,…

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The 2021 drawings

Automatic Lunatik drawings made on pages which do not correspond to the date. July 2021 onwards. Reflecting the mood. Emoji, Madge Gill, Spiritualism, disaster, highs, lows, Haring, Basquiat, soul music, pen and ink. better drawn with a Mitsubishi Uniball Micro Deluxe 0.5 – hard to find in this country now. Damn it!

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Still life

I made a still life withe the things I have been collecting for the past few months. Look, I don’t question why, it’s what gets you through, right? A coffee pod, a cracked egg shell, a crab claw. Something will be made with these items in the next few months.

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Now the school are back they are giving the children lateral flow test to do at home twice a week. I realised the plastic skull was on the table (for homework) already and nestling by the test paraphernalia.

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Zoom tumb tumb

Marinetti may have welcomed the virtual meeting room in his manifestoes, such a fan of Futurismo and automation that he was. He may have relished in the auto-virtual lockdown world we are currently in. But to many, Zoom meetings are the future we do not wish for.

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I am collecting eggshells

The eggshells pile up in corners of the kitchen and the living room (almost wrote the Living Tomb there like some massive goth). They are cracked of course, open and already eaten up. Contents devoured by means of frying (the best) or some sort of omelette.

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Happy new tier

The featured image is the skeleton of a tree, December 2020. Similar to an Egon Scheile landscape, perhaps. Schiele’s “lifestyle choices” were not particularly good, but paintings of his surrounds are exceptional.

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