Maybe not read, but purchased over the last twelve weeks. Lockdown makes you buy stuff – it makes me buy stuff – second hand books.
And so, in order:
- Have a Bleedin’ Guess by Paul Hanley. Took ten weeks to arrive – something happened somewhere along the line and they had to re-order. I liked that fact. The cover design is clearly taken from the Blast! manifesto.
- Two Paul Nash books. Who needs two to look at? And paint a version of the street a bit “like” Paul Nash? Clearly not me, as I have failed to do this so far.
- Scum manifesto.
- Society of the spectacle.
- The above two I had lost my copies of.
- A situationist reader.
- George Orwell essays. Haven’t read them yet.
- Book of Michael Jacksons’ On The Wall exhibition at the NPG which was cheap because his reputation is, well, in tatters. It’s a good book, though.
- Shack Chic about South African township homes; and the amazing decor they have.
- Egon Schiele landscapes. Also, reputation a bit tattery. But his landscapes are great.
After all this – was I a bourgoise idiot for buying “landscape” books?
And 11. I started reading books I already had. Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; Ducks Newburyport; The Shock Doctrine.

Update to follow – there are more. Oh god, more. Not that I’ve read them, oh no, but they are rising like papery fayries next to my bed and they are whispering things at night. Yes.