The things we do in lockdown are different from other things.

In late August, our downstairs neighbour thought he had Covid because he fainted at the dentists.

I booked him a test as he is not online. Ordered one too, just in case – we could get it sent and they were fine about it. We all came back negative. Neighbour back on the stoop again. The fainting may have been dentist fear, after all.

Next up, after watching the public service advertising change from brief sloganeering to more… wordy sloganeering, the schools went back. All the KidGerms in once place. And on the train and bus. And thus we’re all thinking we’ve got it; or we’ve had it and no one knew – because howcanyounotgetsuchathingwhenallthekidsaremingling?

How can you?


It has been difficult to paint.

Posted in Art